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TLC Workshops

TLC Workshops are supported by the Teaching and Learning Centre's Educational Developers and offer participants a variety of programs based on their teaching and learning interests and needs.

While workshops are designed primarily for members of the University community engaged in teaching-related practices, other members of Ontario Tech may enroll in our workshops as part of their professional development.

Registration for Fall 2024 workshops is open! If you have any workshop-related questions, contact the TLC at

Register for TLC Workshops

Workshop Schedule


  • Removing Learning Barriers with Universal Design for Learning - Thursday September 19, 11 am - 12 pm

    Date: Thursday September 19, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitators: Kevin Johnson, Lidya Salim

    Are students getting the most out of your courses? This introductory workshop will explore how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can help you create more inclusive and accessible learning environments.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Identify common barriers to learning.
    • Examine the relationship between Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility.
    • Utilize UDL principles and practice to reduce learning barriers in your courses.
  • Open Educational Resources and the Open Education Lab - Tuesday September 24, 11 am - 12 pm [HYBRID DELIVERY]

    Date: Tuesday September 24, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitator: Pranjal Saloni

    Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials that can be accessed, used, adapted, and shared with no or few costs and restrictions. In this workshop, we will introduce OER as tools of educational transformation and explore the structure and function of the Open Education (OE) Lab at Ontario Tech.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Explain the characteristics and challenges of OER and their value for students and faculty.
    • Examine strategies for curating openly-licensed educational materials.
    • Describe the role of the OE Lab in the creation, adoption, and publication of OER.
  • Detector Gadget: Harnessing Human Expertise to Identify Generative AI Use - Wednesday September 25, 1 pm - 2 pm

    Date: Wednesday September 25, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    Facilitators: Lasandra Conliffe, Miranda Varricchio

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to detect the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) in student works. Detection tools have been shown to be unreliable and are capable of both over- and under-detecting use. Explore human-based strategies for detection, learn how to communicate the risks students may face by using popular tools that have incorporated GAI as part of their process, and begin a collegial discussion about discouraging the use of GAI through the redesign of our assessments.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Recognize the ways available tools can be used to humanize GAI-created content as a means to confound human and machine-based detection.
    • Communicate to students the risks associated with using common grammar and spelling support tools like Grammarly due to their integration of GAI tools.
    • Evaluate a variety of submission types for possible uses of GAI without the use of detection tools.


  • Presenting with Purpose: Delivering Engaging Presentations - Thursday October 10, 11 am - 12 pm

    Date: Thursday October 10, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitator: Kevin Johnson

    An effective presentation is not only about your content - how you utilize and deliver it can make all the difference. This workshop will explore practical methods to gain and maintain the attention of your audience as you present, both in person and online.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Incorporate media elements such as slides, videos, and interactive tools to keep your audience engaged.
    • Utilize dynamic voicing techniques to build audience rapport.
    • Apply nonverbal communication strategies to present with confidence and purpose.
  • Democratizing the Syllabus with Open Educational Practices - Thursday October 10, 1 pm - 2 pm [HYBRID DELIVERY]

    Date: Thursday October 10, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    Facilitator: Pranjal Saloni

    Open Education is more than free textbooks! In this workshop, we will examine innovative classroom approaches that leverage open educational resources, and explore collaborative teaching methods as means to enhance learning experiences.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Explain principles and examples of open pedagogy.
    • Evaluate open pedagogical strategies for integration into teaching practice.
  • Copyright and Creative Commons Licensing - Tuesday October 22, 11 am - 12 pm [HYBRID DELIVERY]

    Date: Tuesday October 22, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitator: Pranjal Saloni

    Open educational resources (OER) may be free, but free resources may not necessarily be open! In this workshop, participants will explore basic concepts of copyright in an educational context, including the rights, limitations, and implications of using and creating educational materials.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Compare and contrast the six Creative Commons licenses.
    • Identify resources (images, text, video, etc.) that can be reused within OER projects.
    • Properly give credit and follow license requirements when reusing resources.
  • Assessing Authentically: Alternatives to Traditional Assessments - Thursday October 24, 1 pm - 2 pm

    Date: Thursday October 24, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    Facilitators: Kaitlyn Watson, Lidya Salim

    Assessment is an integral component of the learning process, and it should reflect the complexity and diversity of students' skills and knowledge. This workshop will explore a range of assessment strategies that go traditional exams, allowing you to assess student learning in more authentic and meaningful ways.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Describe the role of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment in course design.
    • Identify the limitations of traditional exams.
    • Explore alternative assessment strategies to increase student engagement and prevent academic integrity violations.
  • Backward Design: Aligning Outcomes, Assessment, and Instruction - Wednesday October 30, 1 pm - 2 pm

    Date: Wednesday October 30, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    Facilitators: Kaitlyn Watson, Lidya Salim

    Backward design is a learner-centred design model that starts with the end in mind. In this session, we will discuss the importance of and means to ensure alignment of learning outcomes, assessment, and instruction.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Identify the four elements of a learning outcome to use in course and lesson development.
    • Describe the role of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment in course design.
    • Construct a course map that aligns learning outcomes, assessment, and instructional plans.


  • Creating Interactive Educational Resources with Pressbooks and H5P - Wednesday November 6, 11 am - 12 pm

    Date: Wednesday November 6, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitator: Pranjal Saloni

    Pressbooks and H5P are tools for creating, managing and delivering interactive and open content. In this workshop, we will explore both tools and demonstrate how they can be used to create accessible, engaging learning experiences.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Create and customize a digital book with Pressbooks.
    • Use H5P to design interactive quizzes, videos, and presentations.
    • Examine strategies for integrating accessible, open content into the classroom.
  • Dynamics and Engagement in Large Classroom Settings - Thursday November 7, 11 am - 12 pm

    Date: Thursday November 7, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitators: Kevin Johnson, Miranda Varricchio

    Student engagement is a key component of the instructional process, but it can be challenging in large classes. Join us as we discuss meaningful ways to promote and enhance student engagement in large classroom settings. Whether you are delivering in person, synchronously, or building an asynchronous online course, this workshop will provide tips, tricks, and strategies, as well as the opportunity to connect with others and share what has worked through personal experiences.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Identify key issues affecting student engagement in large classroom settings.
    • Device techniques to encourage and enhance student engagement within larger classes.
    • Apply instructional design strategies throughout course development with engagement in mind.
  • Designing Authentic Assessments - Friday November 8, 10 am - 11 am

    Date: Friday November 8, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
    Facilitators: Kaitlyn Watson, Lidya Salim

    In this hands-on workshop, participants will develop authentic assessments that align with course objectives to promote deeper student engagement. Bring a syllabus and an open mind to reconsider what counts as evidence of learning.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Review an existing syllabus to identify opportunities to revise or redesign assessments that are more authentic.
    • Design an overview or outline of an authentic assessment that could be implemented in your course to promote student engagement.
  • Trauma-Informed Instruction - Friday November 15, 10 am - 11 am

    Date: Friday November 15, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
    Facilitator: Kaitlyn Watson

    A trauma-informed approach to teaching takes into account students’ experiences and how their engagement in learning may be impacted by trauma. In this session we will discuss how our instruction can support students in these particularly trying times.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Define trauma and describe how it impacts student learning.
    • Identify strategies you can implement in your courses to embrace a trauma-informed approach.
  • Alternative Grading Strategies - Wednesday November 20, 1 pm - 2 pm

    Date: Wednesday November 20, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    Facilitators: Kaitlyn Watson, Miranda Varricchio

    Engage with a variety of alternative grading methods such as contract grading, mastery grading, and ungrading. Learn about their practical applications in a variety of educational contexts and discuss the benefits and challenges for both instructors and students alike.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Compare various alternative grading strategies to use in various contexts.
    • Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing alternative grading strategies for instructors and students.
    • Apply an alternative grading approach for both low- and high-stakes assessments.
  • EDI and Inclusive Design in Open Educational Resources - Thursday November 21, 11 am - 12 pm

    Date: Thursday November 21, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Facilitator: Pranjal Saloni

    In this workshop, we will explore the intersection of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) with the open education movement, and examine the potential of open educational resources (OER) to address disparities in learner access.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Evaluate open educational resources and practices as tools to reduce barriers to learning.
    • Apply principles of EDI and inclusive design to create accessible open resources and practices.

How to Access TLC Workshops: 

You will receive calendar invitations with links to your chosen workshops after completing the registration form.

Workshops are 60 minutes in length and are delivered online via Google Meet at the listed dates and times, unless otherwise indicated.