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App Centre

Canvas offers the ability to integrate hundreds of applications easily through its learning tools interoperability (LTI) interface. To ensure compatibility with other features, security, privacy, accessibility and supportability, the Teaching and Learning Centre and Information Technology Services together have established this process for requesting and obtaining approval to enable an application (app). If you are interested in using a third-party app in Canvas, please review this section to ensure you're familiar with our process.

Canvas Integrated Apps




App requests should be submitted with as much advance notice as possible. The time to vet and approve an application can very substantial. The following lead times are recommended:

  • Fall Term Deadline: June 1 (for implementation in September)
  • Winter Term Deadline: October 1 (for implementation in January)
  • Spring/Summer Terms Deadline: February 1 (for implementation in May)


Any external app integrated into Canvas at Ontario Tech must meet the following requirements:

  1. Requesters must hold a continuing appointment with the University.
  2. No direct sales to students are permitted. In addition to potential privacy issues, such solicitations may cause a perceived financial burden for students.
  3. The application vendor must be a sustainable company and must provide ongoing technical support. Neither TLC nor Ontario Tech IT staff can provide support.
  4. The app(s) requested must meet AODA and/or WCAG compliance standards.
  5. The application vendor must ensure the integrity and security of all personal information for anyone using the app (i.e., students, TAs, instructors).
  6. Application vendor is FIPPA compliant.
  7. Any cost attached to accessing/using the app is compliant with the University’s Use of Digital Resources Directives.


All app requests will be reviewed by the LTI Software Request Committee. We ask that you review the process, which is meant to mitigate requiring additional information and slowing the review down, before submitting any requests. Before submitting a request:

  • Confirm that
    a) the app requires Canvas authentication;
    b) that the vendor/app is FIPPA compliant;
    c) that the app meets AODA requirements; and
    d) the app meets the Digital Resources Directives.
  • Consider whether existing resources (e.g. similar apps) are in place and serve as a viable option to the proposed external app.
  • Authenticating the proposed external apps compatibility with Canvas, including appropriate levels of permission, security compliance, and error-free installation.

Requesters are also expected to undertake basic quality assurance testing to ensure the app’s compatibility with general Canvas functionality.

Submit a Request

  1. Complete the request form and submit it with any supporting documents by the deadline(s) noted above. If you have any questions please email with External Apps in the subject line.

  2. LTI Software Review Committee will review the request to determine if all the required information has been provided, including:
    • Proof that the app meets the AODA accessibility requirements.
    • Proof that any costs to students meets the Digital Resources Directives.

  3. Assurance that any required contracts or agreements with the vendor are in place. [Note: These should be vetted by the University Secretary and General Council Office]

  4. If all the above conditions are met, the Review Committee will proceed with a pilot implementation involving the requesting faculty/instructor and will add information related to the app to the Canvas information website.

  5. The Review Committee will test the requested app and provide feedback at the completion of the testing. The feedback will consist of the following:
    • Testing was successful. The app will be integrated at the next available opportunity; or,
    • Testing failed. The reasons for the failure will be provided and the app will not be installed. The requester may take that information and follow up with the vendor or seek other options.


  1. Vendor technical support information will be recorded on the TLC website.
  2. The TLC and Ontario Tech IT cannot provide support to external apps. Users are directed to contact the vendor for assistance.
  3. The TLC may consider future training depending on the functionality and increased request for the app in question. Requesters are urged to assist in delivering such training.
  4. The requester must make arrangements to fund any cost to the University