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Classroom Management


Classroom management includes the routines and expectations you establish in your classroom with the aim of creating an inviting and positive, yet challenging, learning environment. Having sound classroom management will foster safety, academic growth, and community


Classroom management involves matters relating to organization, accountability, student interactions, and behaviour. 

Classroom management techniques will vary depending on a number of circumstances: nature of the course, student characteristics, room layout, technology, etc. 


Tips and Strategies
  • Set the tone: be confident and approachable 
  • Share expectations and policies with students 
  • Start and end class on time
  • Ensure everyone can hear you and see the content you are presenting
  • Build rapport with your students and limit anonymity (e.g., learn their names) 
Dealing with Disruptions
Proactive strategies 
  • Use the same ritual to start class (e.g., countdown timer; play music and stop at the beginning of class, invite students to collaborate on a playlist)
  • Invite students to co-develop class guidelines 
  • Keep students engaged through the use of active learning strategies (Schwartz, 2018)
Reactive strategies

(These strategies should be used as a hierarchy. Start with less invasive approaches and adopt different strategies as required)

  • Move closer to the disruptive student(s)
  • Make eye contact
  • Ask if they have a question
  • Make a general statement about the disruption
  • Talk with the offending student(s) after class
  • Ask the offending student(s) to leave (Schwartz, 2018)


Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching, Toronto Metropolitan University (2021). Best practices in classroom management.