Open Education Lab
Ontario Tech is quickly becoming a provincial leader in the adoption of OER for its students. Since 2018, we've saved our students over $900,000 by using OER at Ontario Tech! But sometimes the OER available online aren't quite what faculty are looking for - they may be too broad, may not have enough examples or practice problems, or really need to be combined with another OER to make it the best it can be. However, finding the time and resources to modify or adapt available OER is difficult.
Ontario Tech is proud to host the Open Education (OE) Lab - a student-run, staff-managed group that brings content and technological expertise to the timely creation of high quality OER that will be used directly in an Ontario Tech course by Ontario Tech students. The OE Lab provides support for faculty, staff, and students in developing OER and using open education practices to support technology enhanced teaching and learning.
Students working with us gain valuable project management, content development (e.g., writing, editing, media creation) and communication skills which can be implemented in their coursework and on the job.