Open Education Lab
Ontario Tech is proud to host the Open Education (OE) Lab - a student-run, staff-managed group that brings content and technological expertise to the timely creation of high quality Open Educational Resources (OER) that will be used directly in Ontario Tech courses by Ontario Tech students.
The OE Lab provides support for faculty, staff, and students in developing OER and using open education practices to support technology enhanced teaching and learning. Since 2018, our work has helped to save Ontario Tech students over $900,000 in textbook costs!
Students working with us gain valuable project management, content development, and communication skills which they can then apply to both their coursework and future careers.
Browse through these tabs to meet the 2024-2025 OE Lab team!

I am in my third year of Medical Laboratory Science as a student under the Faculty of Health Science and I’ve been a part of the OE Lab as of May 2023. With the multiple projects that OE Lab has to offer, I look forward to branching off projects under my faculty and providing resources that upcoming students would appreciate. Apart from being a full time student and working, I usually spend the rest of my time baking, taking long walks, and playing video games.
I am going into my second year of Business administration specifically HR and I hope to pursue that as my pre-med program. I look forward to working with the OE lab to help contribute in making educational resources more accessible to a wide variety of students with different financial backgrounds. My hobbies include cooking, thrifting, gardening (specifically hydroponic), and spending money on my cat.
I am in my fourth year of Mechanical Engineering, and I really enjoy my time working with the OE team on the projects we take on during the work term. I joined the Lab in May 2024. For me, using my previous experiences from courses I have previously taken, have proven to be useful in situations where my team and I collaborate towards, say making a chapter on thermodynamics!
Hi everyone! My name is Leila, and I'm from the Faculty of Science, studying Life Sciences. My favorite project was the Maple video guideline we filmed last July. I got to experience reading a script seamlessly in front of the camera and even received great tips from Alex and Shannon in the TLC about speaking powerfully and taking up space (which I now apply before starting anything big). In my free time, I love to skate and watch Korean series!
Hi, my name is Maha and I'm currently in my third year of Biological Science specializing in Biomedical Science. I have been a part of the OE lab since May 2024. Working in the OE team has been an incredible experience, providing me with opportunities to contribute to exciting projects such as the Matlab and Maple guides as well as my personal favorite project Pharmacology for Nurses. My hobbies include painting, learning about history, and going on hikes.
I’m currently in my third year of Human Health Science in the Faculty of Health Science and I’ve been part of the OE Lab since May 2024. One of my favorite projects so far has been Pharmacology for Nurses, where I got to help create open mathematical resources for nursing students. I’m really excited about future projects and what’s next! When I’m not busy with school or work, you’ll probably find me singing, playing the piano, or getting a good workout in.
I am in my third year of Software Engineering. I have been working at the OE lab since May 2023. I look forward to working on multiple projects throughout the year and meeting new people. I am most excited about creating new materials which are helpful for students as they take courses in university. Aside from work and academics, my hobbies include playing basketball and reading non-fiction books.