Welcome to Ontario Tech University!
The New To Ontario Tech orientation program provides new instructors and teaching assistants with an introduction to teaching techniques and strategies, educational technology, the student experience, and teaching and learning services and support.
Orientation is offered annually in August, and explores a variety of topics designed to help you achieve teaching excellence and introduce you to the Ontario Tech experience.
Registration for new instructor orientation is currently closed. If you are a new instructor who would like teaching support, connect with the TLC!
New Teaching Assistant Orientation - Thursday September 12
Date: Thursday September 12, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Online via Google Meet. Links will be shared upon registration.
We will cover a variety of topics, including the expectations of your role, inclusive teaching strategies, and best practices for using Canvas as a TA.
If you plan to attend, please register by no later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday September 11.