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Open Education

A message from the President

The cost of printed educational materials is often high and forces students to choose between buying textbooks or purchasing groceries and other necessities. When our students don’t have access to all of the resources to participate fully in class, their grades suffer. And no student should have to go hungry to learn. As an institution, we want the best educational experience for our students.

Open Educational Resources are a great opportunity for us to help make education more accessible for our students. Educational material licensed under Creative Commons can include the same kind of high quality materials as their more expensive commercial counterparts. It can also help us to stand apart as a tech focused institution by allowing our students to access materials on their terms - through a device, tablet or low cost printed materials. Where possible, I want to encourage our faculty and staff to consider the adoption of open educational resources. Let’s help our students achieve their greatest potential and get the most out of their education.

Dr. Steven A. Murphy, President and Vice-Chancellor, Ontario Tech University


Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. These often include digital textbooks, which are created and distributed free of charge, and allow users to keep and modify the files as they choose. OER have the potential to reduce or eliminate the costs of textbooks and to increase opportunities for access, participation, and achievement for all students.

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources

Learn about how to provide your students with free, open-access resources instead of expensive textbooks.
Open Pedagogy

Open Pedagogy

Open Pedagogy explores how openness can be applied to your teaching practice, not just to your teaching resources!
Open Education Lab

Open Education Lab

The Open Education Lab is a unique model for building OER alongside a student team of digital publishers.
Open Education Events

Open Education Events

Attend events and programming throughout the year to learn about open education!