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First Year Resource Repository

The First Year Resource Repository is a curated collection of open educational resources, suitable for use in core first year courses in each Faculty. The list is ongoing and updated regularly by the Open Education Lab's student content developers.

Note: This iteration of the repository is current to the 2022 - 2023 academic year. Updates are in progress!


Faculty of Business and Information Technology

  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

    Semester 1

    BUSI 1010U Critical Thinking and Ethics

    1. UMN - Business Ethics
    2. UMN - Fundamentals of Business

    BUSI 1520U Business Computer Applications

    1. OER Commons
    2. Open Textbook Library

    BUSI 1600U Management of the Enterprise

    1. OpenStax

    BUSI 1915U Fundamentals of Business Mathematics

    1. eCampus
    2. BC campus
    3. OER Commons

    ECON 2010U Microeconomics

    1. BC Campus
    2. UMN

    Semester 2

    BUSI 1020U Business Communications

    1. BC campus

    BUSI 1130U Introduction to Financial Accounting

    1. OpenStax
    2. UMN

    BUSI 1916U Mathematical Analysis for Business

    1. UMN - Business Math
    2. UMN - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis 

    ECON 2020U Macroeconomics

    1. BC campus
    2. UMN - Business
    3. UMN - Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours), Game Development & Interactive Media

    Semester 1

    INFR 1020U Essential Mathematics for Games I

    1. MIT - The Mathematics in Toys and Games
    2. MIT - Essential Numerical Methods

    INFR 1100U Programming for Games I

    1. OER Commons
    2. MIT
    3. UMN

    INFR 1315U Visual Narrative Foundations

    1. Open Textbook Library 

    INFR 1330U Basic Introduction to Game Design

    1. MIT
    2. UMN

    INFR 1395U Game Development Workshop I

    1. MIT
    2. UMN

    Semester 2

    INFR 1030U Essential Mathematics for Games II

    1. MIT

    INFR 1110U Programming for Games II

    1. UMN

    INFR 1325U Introduction to 2D Animation for Games

    1. MIT

    INFR 1335U Digital Game Design

    1. MIT
    2. Open Textbooks Concordia

    INFR 1396U Game Development Workshop II

    *** No Open Resource. 

  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours), Networking and Information Technology Security

    Semester 1

    BUSI 1020U Business Communications

    1. eCampus
    2. BC campus

    BUSI 1600U Management of the Enterprise

    1. OpenStax
    2. OER Commons

    INFR 1010U Discrete Mathematics

    1. OER Commons
    2. MIT
    3. UMN

    INFR 1101U Introduction to Programming for IT

    1. MIT
    2. UMN

    INFR 1411U Introduction to Networking I

    1. UMN

    Semester 2

    BUSI 2000U Collaborative Leadership

    1. Open Textbook Library
    2. UMN

    INFR 1016U Introductory Calculus

    1. BC campus
    2. OER Commons
    3. MIT
    4. UMN

    INFR 1421U Introduction to Networking II

    1. MIT

    INFR 2141U Object Oriented Programming for IT

    1. MIT

    INFR 2810U Computer Architecture

    1. MIT
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours), Technology Management

    Semester 1

     BUSI 1010U Critical Thinking and Ethics

    1. OpenStax
    2. UMN

    BUSI 1520U Business Computer Applications

    1. eCampus
    2. UMN
    3. Open Textbook Library 

    INFR 1010U Discrete Mathematics

    1. OER Commons
    2. MIT
    3. UMN

    INFR 1101U Introduction to Programming for IT

    1. MIT - Introduction to Mathematical Programming
    2. MIT - Introduction to Programming in Java

    Semester 2 

    BUSI 1020U Business Communications

    1. BC campus

    BUSI 1600U Management of the Enterprise

    1. OpenStax
    2. OER Commons

    INFR 2141U Object Oriented Programming for IT

    1. MIT - Introduction to C
    2. MIT - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

    INFR 2810U Computer Architecture

    1. MIT

Mitch and Leslie Frazer Faculty of Education

  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Educational Studies

    Semester 1

    EDST 1000U Foundations of Learning

    1. UMN

    EDST 1100U Problem and Inquiry-Based Learning

    1. Pressbook

    Semester 2

    EDST 1130U Writing and Digital Literacy

    1. OER Commons

    EDST 1230U Design Thinking & Visual Design for Educational Contexts

    1. Pressbook
    2. Edtechbooks

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Bachelor of Health Administration (Honours)

    Semester 1

    HLSC 1200U Human Anatomy & Physiology I

    1. BC campus
    2. Merlot

    HLSC 1701U Information Literacy and Written Communication for the Health Sciences

    *** No Open Resource

    HLSC 1810U Health Promotion and Healthy Active Living

    1. UMN - Clinical Teaching 
    2. UMN - Health Ed

    BUSI 1600U Management of the Enterprise

    1. OpenStax
    2. OER Commons

    Semester 2

    HLSC 1811U  Social Determinants of Health

    ***No Open Resource

    HLSC 2030U Interpersonal and Inter-professional Communication

    1. BC campus
    2. UMN 

    BUSI 1130U Introduction to Financial Accounting

    1. OpenStax
    2. UMN
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), Human Health Science Specialization

    Semester 1

    BIOL 1010U Biology I: Molecular and Cellular Systems

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    CHEM 1010U  Chemistry I

    1. BC campus
    2. OER Commons
    3. Open Textbook Library

    HLSC 1200U Anatomy and Physiology I

    1. OpenStax
    2. OER Commons
    3. Open Textbook Library

    HLSC 1701U Information Literacy & Written Communication for the Health Sciences

    ***No Open Resource. 

    HLSC 1810U Health Promotion & Healthy Active Living

    1. UMN - Clinical Teaching
    2. UMN - Health ED

    Semester 2

    BIOL 1020U Biology II: Diversity of Life and Principles of Ecology

    1. OER Commons
    2. LibreText

    CHEM 1020U Chemistry II

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    HLSC 1201U Anatomy and Physiology II

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    HLSC 1811U  Social Determinants of Health

    ***No Open Resource.

    PSYCH 1000U Introduction to Psychology

    1. OpenStax
    2. BC Campus
    3. OER Commons
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), Kinesiology

    Semester 1

    KINE 1000U Foundations in Kinesiology

    1. LibreText

    KINE 1010U Human Anatomy & Physiology I

    1. OpenStax
    2. BC campus
    3. UMN
    4. Merlot

    KINE 1020U Information Literacy & Written Communications

    1. MIT
    2. UMN
    3. LibreText

    KINE 1030U Quantitative Reasoning

    1. BC campus
    2. UMN
    3. LibreText

    Semester 2

    KINE 1100U Human Anatomy & Physiology II

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    KINE 1110U Introduction to Movement Neuroscience

    1. BC campus
    2. MIT
    3. UMN

    KINE 1120U Human Growth and Motor Development

    1. BC campus
    2. OER Commons
    3. LibreText

    KINE 1130U Sociocultural Perspectives

    1. OpenStax
    2. BC campus
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), Medical Laboratory Science

    Semester 1

    BIOL 1010U Biology I: Molecular and Cellular Systems

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    CHEM 1010U  Chemistry I

    1. BC campus
    2. OER Commons
    3. OpenTextbook Library

    HLSC 1200U Anatomy and Physiology I

    1. OpenStax
    2. OER Commons
    3. Open Textbook Library

    HLSC 1701U Information Literacy & Written Communication for the Health Sciences

    ***No Open Resource. 

    Semester 2

    CHEM 1020U Chemistry II

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    HLSC 1201U Anatomy and Physiology II

    1. OpenStax
    2. LibreText

    MLSC 1110U Foundations in Clinical Biochemistry

    1. MIT
    2. LibreText
    3. Virginia Tech Open Textbook

    MATH 1880U Mathematical Modelling for Health Science

    1. OER Commons
    2. MIT
    3. LibreText
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), Public Health Specialization