Teaching with Canvas
What is Canvas?
Canvas is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that allows instructors to provide learning opportunities for their students through digital content, assessments, communications, and grading. All courses at Ontario Tech University have course site (commonly called "course shell") in Canvas at the start of each semester.
You can access Canvas at learn.ontariotechu.ca. Students use their Student ID Number and Network Password to access the LMS, while faculty and staff use their Banner ID and Network Password.
Why use Canvas?
Canvas offers powerful and flexible opportunities for instructors to work with their students. Depending on the discipline, learning outcomes, and size of your course, you might choose to leverage some or all of the functionalities of Canvas. Some ideas you might choose include:
Manage course content
Use Modules to organize your content. Post weekly slides, reading materials, and videos for students to easily locate what they're looking for.
Assess your students
Issue assessments to the entire class or to groups of students, set due dates, and collect files all in one place. Canvas' SpeedGrader lets you use rubrics, provide comments and post grades for students without downloading individual files.
Hold online classes
Kaltura Virtual Classroom is integrated in Canvas and allows you to hold live virtual class meetings with students. You can also create breakout rooms, share files, chat, and share a virtual whiteboard.
How does the Teaching and Learning Centre support Canvas?
The Teaching and Learning Centre is responsible for supporting faculty and students in the use of Canvas. Technical support for Canvas is provided by IT Services.
Training for instructors
The Teaching and Learning Centre offers a variety of programs for instructor training in Canvas. In addition to providing a Canvas overview for new instructors in New to Ontario Tech orientation, we have monthly workshops that cover basic to advanced Canvas use. For specific questions, we encourage you to consult with the Educational Developer for your Faculty for one-on-one support.
Technical support
Technical support for Canvas is handled by our IT Services and LMS teams. For technical Canvas support, email IT Services at servicedesk@dc-ot.ca and CC LMS@ontariotechu.ca.
Training for students
The Teaching and Learning Centre has resources for students, including specific help for Canvas, Google Workspace, Pressbooks, and H5P.
Self-serve resources
A library of helpful resource is available in our Canvas Resource Centre for your self-service needs.
Third-party apps
We have a specific process to ensure third-party apps that are used in Canvas are safe for students and instructors. Please visit the Canvas App Centre for more details.
New Canvas features
Check out What's New with Canvas for updates to Canvas features, apps, and more.