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Instructional Design Frameworks

Instructional design frameworks are models which can help guide you in planning your course. Frameworks help you organize what you plan to teach, how you plan to teach, and encourage you to evaluate your success in these areas.

  • Instructional design models are often used when planning for online learning, though the structure they provide may be of use to individuals who are planning courses that will be delivered in face-to-face or hybrid (also referred to as 'blended') formats as well.
  • It is not necessary to get too caught up in strictly following a particular instructional design model and it possible to borrow elements from a few models when designing or redesigning a course. These models help us to consider various elements that should be addressed before, during and even after a course, workshop, learning module or program is delivered.
  • Analyze
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Implement
  • Evaluate

Backward Design/Understanding by Design

Backward design involves considering the final outcomes of the course before planning anything else. Understanding by Design (UbD) is a specific framework developed Wiggins and McTighe and includes the following three stages:

  • Identify desired results
  • Determine evidence
  • Develop a learning plan

Integrated Course Design

Described by Dee Fink in his work on designing courses for significant learning. The three main phases include:

  • Initial design phase
  • Intermediate design phase
  • Final design phase

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